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Number of visits: 211913

28/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) II
Room: VS216
Chair: Dennis Kochmann

Using Delaunay triangulations to investigate the effect of interparticle friction on critical-state DEM simulations
K.J. Hanley*, X. Huang and C. O‘Sullivan

DEM simulations of granular media made of non-convex particles
A.D. Rakotonirina*, A. Wachs, J-Y. Delenne and F. Radjaď

Large-scale DEM simulations using non-spherical elements on GPU
S. Watanabe*, T. Aoki and S. Tsuzuki

A three-dimensional discrete element model for geometrically nonlinear problems considering the properties of a linear elastic medium
F. Ockelmann* and D. Dinkler

Powder compaction with polygonal particles built from radially extending one-dimensional frictional devices
F.A. Lülf* and P. Wriggers

Tribological effects in granular materials and their impact on the macroscopic material behaviour
B. Suhr* and K. Six

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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