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Number of visits: 211916

28/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
Geomechanics III
Room: VS215
Chair: Antonio Gens

Discrete modelling of backward front propagation in piping erosion
D.K. Tran, N. Prime*, F. Froiio, C. Callari and E. Vincens

Effect of wall roughness on interface behavior of DEM-simulated granular material
K.A. El Cheikh*, S. Rémond, C. Djelal, P. Pizette and Y. Vanhove

A novel systematic method to estimate the contact parameters of particles in discrete element simulations of soil
R. Lichtenheldt*

Effects of grain characteristics in sediment flow simulations using DEM
S. Moriguchi*, Y. Hiruma, I. Tachibana, S. Takase and K. Terada

Discrete modeling of geotextile-wrapped soil under simple shear
H. Cheng* and H. Yamamoto

Investigations of vortex structures in granular materials under earth pressure conditions by DEM
M. Nitka* and J. Tejchman

Clarification of soil scour and seepage flow by using a particle method
T. Nogami*, M. Asai and A. Abdelraheem

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