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Number of visits: 211932

29/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
Mixing Processes
Room: VS206A
Chair: Ferran Arrufat

Modelling of interaction between multi-phase fluid and mill structure in a tumbling mill
S. Larsson*, P. Jonsén, H-Ĺ. Häggblad and G. Gustafsson

Simulating mixing processes with water addition using DEM – From bulk material to suspension
K. Krenzer*, V. Mechtcherine and U. Palzer

Resolving lateral segregation effects of static blenders
B.T. Ton*, R.J. Farnish and S. Zigan

Modelling the formation and breakup of particle clusters in metal melt subjected to external fields
A. Manoylov*, V. Bojarevics and K. Pericleous

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