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Number of visits: 211937

28/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
Damage, Fracture & Fatigue I
Room: VS214
Chair: Falk Wittel

A new discrete element constitutive behaviour of concrete in the YADE platform
H. Benniou*, Y. Malecot, M. Briffaut and L. Daudeville

Adaptive refinement technique for discrete static models of fracture
J. Eliáš*

Virtual concrete specimens: discrete element simulations of the quasistatic and dynamic material behavior and failure mechanisms of concrete and mortar
D.S. Reischl* and M. Curbach

Micromechanical investigation of fracture of powder compacts
E. Olsson* and P-L. Larsson

A versatile particle fragmentation model using the discrete element model
D. Queteschiner*, T. Lichtenegger and S. Pirker

Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using DEM based on x-ray µCT images of internal structure
M. Nitka and J. Tejchman*

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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