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Number of visits: 211950

30/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
Parallel Computing
Room: VS218
Chair: Pooyan Dadvand

OpenMP parallelization of multicolour particle contact detection method with computational block parallelism for sorting
T. Katagiri, H. Takeda and Y. Horibata*

A MPI/domain decomposition strategy for large-scale simulations of granular media made of particles of arbitrary shape
A. Wachs and A.D. Rakotonirina*

Interactive simulation of indoor ventilation using the Lattice Boltzmann method
P. Wenisch and D. Fleckenstein*

Vortex particle method for aerodynamic analysis: parallel scalability and efficiency
K. Ibrahim* and G. Morgenthal

Parallel stochastic reaction-diffusion simulation using Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm
N. Shuvalov*, Y. Kholodov and G. Papoian

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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