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Number of visits: 211914

28/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
Room: VS216
Chair: Omar Salomon

Modeling damages and cracks growth in composite with a 3D discrete element method
F. Dau*, B.D. Le, J.L. Charles and I. Iordanoff

Numerical simulation analysis of reinforced concrete structure using VFIFE fiber-element model
R-Z. Wang*, B-C. Lin and C-H. Huang

Implementation and application of vector form intrinsic finite element in pushover analysis for reinforced concrete buildings
F.P. Hsiao*, H. Ho, R-Z. Wang and Y.C. Ou

Experimental study on contact behaviour of rigid particles suspended in visco-elastic matrix and distinct element modelling of fresh fibre reinforced cement composites
V. Naidu Nerella*, L. Ferrara and V. Mechtcherine

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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