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Number of visits: 211943

28/9/15    11:00 - 13:00
Bio-medical Engineering
Room: VS214
Chair: Jiun-Shyan Chen

A particle dynamics model of cell-cell rotation and morphological behavior
F.Y. Leong*

Simulation of magnetic particles in blood flow to improve failsafe particle detection of microspheres based detoxification system
M. Gusenbauer*, G. Mazza, M. Brandl and T. Schrefl

2-D numerical study on the depth filtration by virtual flux method
T. Fukui* and K. Morinishi

Influence of the root-soil mechanical interaction on the variability of root architecture
M. Fakih*, J-Y. Delenne, F. Radjaï and T. Fourcaud

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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