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Number of visits: 211935

28/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
IS-The Material Point Method and Other Meshfree and Particle Methods I
Invited Session organized by Jiun-Shyan Chen, Zhen Chen, Daniel Simkins and Xiong Zhang
Room: VS219
Chair: Duan Zhang
CoChair: Zhen Chen

Dual domain material point method for multiscale modeling of polymeric solid
D.Z. Zhang*

Improving accuracy in particle methods using null spaces and filters
C. Gritton, M. Berzins* and R.M. Kirby

Multiscale material point method for simulating the interactions among discrete nano/meso/micro structures under impact loading
Z. Chen*, S. Jiang, Y. Gan and T.D. Sewell

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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