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Number of visits: 211915

29/9/15    16:00 - 18:00
IS-MuMoLaDe (Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows) I
Invited Session organized by Sergio Idelsohn, Eugenio Oñate and Pablo Agustín Becker
Room: VS217
Chair: Sergio Idelsohn

Centrifuge modelling of granular suspensions in a viscous fluid: impact forces and scaling principles
M.A. Cabrera* and W. Wu

Numerical investigations on the effect of vegetation on slope stability
B.M. Switala* and W. Wu

Hypoplastic and rheological constitutive modeling of debris materials
X. Guo*, W. Wu and Y. Wang

What is wrong in Love-Weber stress for unsaturated granular materials?
C. Chalak*, B. Chareyre and F. Darve

Modeling two-layer debris mixture flows
X. Meng* and Y. Wang

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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