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Number of visits: 211954

29/9/15    16:00 - 18:00
IS-Multiscale Analysis of Multiphase Particulate Systems (T-MAPPP Symposium) II
Invited Session organized by Jin Ooi, Antonia Larese and Martin Crapper
Room: VS218
Chair: Jin Ooi

A Coupled FEM-DEM procedure for nonlinear analysis of structural interaction with particles
M. Santasusana*, E. Oņate , J.M. Carbonell , J. Irazábal and P. Wriggers

A comparison between continuum and discrete modelling of granular material
I. Iaconeta*, A. Larese, M.A. Celigueta and E. Oņate

Influence of friction coefficient on the elastic moduli of granular materials
K. Taghizadeh Bajgirani*, N. Kumar, V. Magnanimo and S. Luding

A contact detection method between two convex super-quadric particles based on an Interior Point algorithm in the Discrete Element Method
A. Podlozhnyuk* and C. Kloss

Numerical simulation and experimental validation of yielding for cohesive dry powder
H. Shi*, A. Singh, V. Magnanimo and S. Luding

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