The Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) in thermo-mechanical problems
J.M. Carbonell*, A. Franci and E. Oñate
Modelling and simulation of counter blow and final blow processes in bottle manufacturing
P.B. Ryzhakov*, J. García-Espinosa and E. Oñate
Unified stabilized formulation for thermally coupled fluid-structure interaction problems using the PFEM
A. Franci*, E. Oñate and J.M. Carbonell
A PFEM solution when a high froude number viscous flow past a circular cylinder
L.M. González* and J.M. Giménez
Application of the PFEM/X-IVAS method to sea-keeping problems
P. Nadukandi*, J. García-Espinosa and B. Servan-Camas
A local XFEM method for the simulation of multi-fluid flows using the Particle Level Set method
K. Kamran*, R. Rossi and E. Oñate