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Number of visits: 211940

30/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
IS-Multi-Scale Modelling of Reactive Particle-Based Processes
Invited Session organized by Christoph Kloss, Stefan Radl, Christoph Goniva, Thomas Hagelien and Shahriar Amini
Room: VS217
Chair: Christoph Kloss
CoChair: Christoph Goniva and Stefan Radl

Application-driven development of CFD-DEM modelling for particle-based processes
C. Goniva*, B. Blais and C. Kloss

ParScale - An open-source library for the simulation of ěntra particle heat and mass transport processes in coupled simulations
S. Radl, T.  Forgber*, A.  Aigner and C. Kloss

Design and validation of a robust CFD-DEM model for the investigation of viscous solid-liquid mixing in agitated vessels
B. Blais*, M. Lassaigne, C. Goniva, L. Fradette and F. Bertrand

Application-driven development of Discrete Element Method modelling for reactive particle-based processes
C. Kloss*, S. Radl and C. Goniva

Optimal particle parameters for CLC and CLR processes – predictions by intra-particle transport models and experimental validation
T.  Forgber, J.R. Tolchard, A. Zaabout, P.I. Dahl and S. Radl*

DEM particle characterization by artificial neural networks and macroscopic experiments
L. Benvenuti*, C. Kloss and S. Pirker

Numerical simulation of reactive flow in granular media using a LBM approach. Application to the study of biomass torrefaction
S. Martin* and O. Bonnefoy

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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