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Number of visits: 211922

28/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
IS-From Discrete Particles to Continuum Models of Granular Mechanics: Quasi-static Elastoplastic Flows I
Invited Session organized by Stefan Luding and Farhang Radjai
Room: VS208
Chair: Farhang Radjai
CoChair: Dalila Vescovi

Different singularities in the functions of extended kinetic theory at the origin of the yield stress in granular flows
D. Berzi* and D. Vescovi

A novel augmented elasto-plastic potential model for granular materials and some micro-mechanical considerations
D. Harris*

Avalanches and its contribution for sheared granular flows
M. Otsuki and H. Hayakawa*

Scale of fluctuation of cone tip resistance measured in a virtual calibration chamber using DEM
J. Butlanska, M. Arroyo* and A. Gens

Shear rate diffusion during transients in simple shear
A. Ries, L. Brendel and D.E.  Wolf*

Unified theory of inertial granular flows and non-brownian suspensions
E. DeGiuli*, G. Düring, E. Lerner and M. Wyart

Quasi-static rheology of highly polydisperse packings: effects of particle size and shape
E. Azéma*, D-H. Nguyen, F. Radjaï and P. Sornay

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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