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Number of visits: 211931

30/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
Industrial Applications I
Room: VS213
Chair: Salvador Latorre

Multi-scale modeling of spray drying
P. Rajniak*, D. Johnson and J. Moser

Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic fluid around a blade by means of the FEM with Lagrangian Integration Points (FEMLIP)
F. Dufour*, F. Ahonguio and L. Jossic

Theoretical investigation of the dynamics of friction stir welding process by movable cellular automaton method
S.V. Astafurov*, E.V. Shilko, E.A. Kolubaev, A.I. Dmitriev, A.Y. Nikonov and S.G. Psakhie

Discrete particle model for fastening applications
R. Wendner*, M. Marcon and J. Vorel

Large-scale grain distribution simulations with rotating machinery using efficient discrete element models
G. Casas*, D. Mukherjee, M.A. Celigueta, T. Zohdi and E. Oņate

Discrete element method modeling of ball mills liner wear evolution
D. Boemer*, S. Rycerski, J. Vis and J-P. Ponthot

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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