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Number of visits: 211910

30/9/15    16:30 - 18:30
Material Point Method (MPM) and Lattice-Boltzmann-Method (LBM)
Room: VS215
Chair: Alessandro Leonardi
CoChair: Pablo Agustín Becker

Towards direct numerical simulation of complex particle suspensions: rheology and phenomenology in coupled LBM-DEM modelling
C.R. Leonardi*, W. Regulski, J.W.S. McCullough, B.D. Jones and J.R. Williams

Effect of boundary condition applying type on heat transfer modeling via double species lattice Boltzmann method
M. Mohammadi-Amin* and M. Bustanchy

Effects of the MPM discretisations on the soil-structure problems
S. Fatemizadeh*, F. Hamad and C. Moormann

Modelling of the Selborne failure and post-failure with the MPM
A. Yerro*, E. Alonso and H. Castellví

Simulations of dense snow avalanches with generalized interpolation material point method: preliminary outcomes
W.T. Solowski*, D. Baroudi, M. Ghobakhlou and L. Korkiala-Tanttu

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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