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Number of visits: 211955

30/9/15    14:00 - 16:00
Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) VI
Room: VS216
Chair: Dietrich Wolf

Temporal force fluctuations experienced by walls subject to granular flows
F. Kneib*, T. Faug, F. Dufour and M. Naaim

Internal states, stress-strain behavior and elasticity in oedometrically compressed model granular materials
M.H. Khalili*, J-N. Roux, J-M. Pereira, M. Vandamme, S. Brisard and M. Bornert

DEM simulations of weakly wetted granular materials: implementation of capillary bridge models
A. Gladkyy*, S. Roy, T. Weinhart, S. Luding and R. Schwarze

Hydrodynamic interactions of flexible membranes in shear flows: A DPD study
D. Vijay Anand*, B.S.V. Patnaik and S. Vedantam

Microscopic theory of non-Brownian suspension flows close to the Jamming point
G. During*, E. Lerner and M. Wyart

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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