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Number of visits: 84515

Wednesday, October 22nd

17:00 - 20:00
Icebreaking Reception & Pre Registration

Thursday, October 23rd

08:00 - 12:00

08:15 - 08:30
Welcome and Opening address

08:30 - 10:00
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
Flow of Plastic - Mechanics of A Structured Fluid

Experimental and numerical studies on impact loaded reinforced concrete structures
A. Saarenheimo, K. Calonius, A. Vepsä, M. Tuomala

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Fluid Mechanics I ThM01
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Sinisa Krajnovic
Measurements and simulations of turbulent flow over rough surface
A. Al Sam, A. Andersson, R. Szasz, G. Hellström, S. Lundström, J. Revstedt

Generation of Synthetic Turbulence for LES and DNS using the Turbulent Spot Method
H. Kröger, N. Kornev

Investigation of Screech in Supersonic Jets Using Modal Decomposition
R. Lárusson, H. Hafsteinsson, N. Andersson, L-E. Eriksson

Non-classical Diffusion and Solvent-induced Swelling in Amorphous Polymers
J. Wilmers, S. Bargmann

Quantifying primary breakup in pulsating liquid
A. Nygård, M. Altimira, L. Prahl Wittberg, L. Fuchs

Solid Mechanics I ThM02
Room: Hall D3
Chair: Fredrik Larsson
Prediction of through-thickness stress distribution in laminated shell structures
J. Främby, J. Brouzoulis, M. Fagerström, R. Larssson

Numerical simulation of elastic wave diffraction at embedded gratings
A. Berezovski, J. Engelbrecht, M. Berezovski

GPU-accelerated polycrystal plasticity simulations.
Y. Mellbin, H. Hallberg, M. Ristinmaa

On the efficient stress computation within finite strain anisotropic plasticity
A.V. Shutov

Ab initio-based fracture toughness estimates and traction separation laws for zirconium and titanium hydrides
P. Olsson, A.-M Alvarez Holston, K . Kese

Dynamics and fracture of heterogeneous materials under the action of high-current electron irradiation: numerical simulations
V. Pogorelko, A. Mayer

Structural Mechanics ThM03
Room: Hall D2
Chair: Reijo Kouhia
Buckling of composite plates using a semi-analytical approach
O. Hareide, L. Brubak, E. Steen

Optimization of wind turbine foundation with respect to construction costs
W.M. Mohamed, P.E. Austrell

Application of a Semi-Analytical Approach for Vibration Analysis of Irregularly Stiffened Plates
L. Brubak, O.J. Hareide, J. Hellesland

Finite Inflation of Fluid-Filled Pre-stretched Cylindrical Membranes
A. Patil, A. Nordmark, A. Eriksson

A damage based FEM model for the analysis of masonry structures
A. Bilotta, F. Tedesco

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break

13:45 - 15:45
Fluid Mechanics II ThA01
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Alexander Mayer
A Comparative Study of Dynamic Cloud Methods with the HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver for Moving Boundary Problems in Aerodynamics
H. Wang, Z.H. Ma, J. Periaux, Y.M. Li, R.A. Makinen

Parameter estimation for lake thermal model using inverse analysis
D. Lozzi-Kozar, I. Kozar

Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of bluff body flows
S. Krajnovic, G. Minelli

Application of finite elements and computational fluid dynamics to predict and improve the filling ratio in journal bearings under dynamic loading
C. Christiansen, P. Klit, J. Walther, A. Vølund

Numerical simulations of particle suspensions in confined geometries
W. Fornari, C. Umbert Lopez, F. Picano, D. Mitra, L. Brandt

Solid Mechanics 2 ThA02
Room: Hall D3
Chair: Solveig Melin
Numerical modeling of the influence of cracks on the formation of hydrides in metallic materials
C.F. Nigro, C. Bjerkén, P. Olsson

Modelling of Friction Using a Structural Multilevel Hierarchical Model of Rough Surfaces
O. Savencu, F.M. Borodich

Dislocation plasticity model for aluminum and aluminum-copper alloy and plastic localization under shock loading
V. Krasnikov, A. Mayer

Constitutive model for high-density cellulose-based materials
D.D. Tjahjanto, O. Girlanda, A. Ask, S. Östlund

Effects of viscoelasticity on the compression-lateral expansion relation of polymer particles in a flat punch test
H.Y. Yu, Z.L. Zhang, J.Y. He

Visco-Plasticity with Inherent and Induced Anisotropy: Theory, Implementation and Applications to Metal Forming
C. Soyarslan, A. Behrouzi, B. Klusemann, S. Bargmann

Structural Mechanics and Applications THA03
Room: Hall D2
Chair: Antti Niemi
Instability investigation for hydrostatically loaded thin circular membrane.
Y. Zhou, A. Nordmark, A. Eriksson

On Helical Gear Stiffness Evaluation
N.L. Pedersen

Simulation and analysis of dynamics of a wind turbine drive train high-speed shaft subsystem
S. Asadi, V. Berbyuk, H. Johansson

Optimized surface textures for hydrodynamic bearings
C.S. Andreasen

Beam-to-beam normal, tangential and rotational contact
H.R. Motamedian, A. Kulachenko

Peridynamic computations with variable grid size
D. Dipasquale, M. Zaccariotto, G. Sarego, M. Duzzi, U. Galvanetto

15:45 - 16:15
Coffee Break

16:15 - 18:15
Fluid and Solid Mechanics ThE02
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Carl Dahlberg
Pressure dependent viscosity in hydrodynamic lubrication
T. Gustafsson, K.R. Rajagopal, R. Stenberg, J. Videman

Modelling of an Axially Moving Web Using the Unified Continuum Model
T. Saksa, J. Hoffman

Non-isentropic layers in metals behind shock and ramp compression waves and its influence on fracture threshold
A.E. Mayer, K.V. Khishchenko

On the Homogenization of Fluid-filled Deformable Porous Media
C. Sandström, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Deformation and fracture of metals under the action of high-current electron beam: heterogeneous medium mechanics approach and molecular dynamics simulations
P.N. Mayer, A.E. Mayer

Solid Mechanics 3 ThE03
Room: Hall D3
Chair: Michael Miles
Modeling microcracks using weak periodic boundary conditions and XFEM.
E. Svenning, M. Fagerström, F. Larsson

A continuum damage model for quasi brittle materials
S. Tahaei Yaghoubi, R. Kouhia, J. Hartikainen, K. Kolari

Influence of specimen geometry on uniformity of stress and strain distributions
M. Akiyama, R. Morimoto

Indentation of thin copper film using peridynamics
H. Roca, S. Bourreau, A. Ahadi, S. Melin

Elastic nanobeam modelled using peridynamics - length scale effects
S. Bourreau, H. Roca, A. Ahadi, S. Melin

FEM techniques ThE03
Room: Hall D2
Chair: Göran Sandberg
Scordelis-Lo Roof Revisited
A.H. Niemi

Isogeometric elements in the dynamic relaxation method.
V. Alic, K. Persson

Isogeometric modelling of delamination of laminated composite structures
S. Duckitt, Y. Guo, M. Ruess

A High Order Nitsche Cut Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems
A. Johansson, M. Larson

Finite element modelling of transient frictional thermomechanical rolling contact using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation
A. Draganis, A. Ekberg, F. Larsson

19:30 - 23:00
Seminar Banquet Dinner

Friday, October 24th

08:30 - 10:00
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Kenneth Runesson
Computational Aeroacoustics of Low Mach Number Ducted Flows
G. Efraimsson

Computational models of electro-mechanical interactions in the heart
J. Sundnes

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:30
Fluid and Biomechanics FrM01
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Andrei Smirnov
Stochastic arterial flow simulations
V.G. Eck, J. Feinberg, H.P. Langtangen, L.R. Hellevik

CFD simulations of airflow and particle transport in biological system of lung airway
B. Soni, S. Aliabadi

Computer simulations of intraocular pressure changes after intravitreal injection.
E.B. Voronkova, S.M. Bauer, K.E. Kotliar

Exterior Space Model for an Acoustic Eigenvalue Problem
A. Hannukainen, J. Malinen, A. Ojalammi

Modelling oxygen transport in the human placenta using specimen-specific FEA
R. Plitman Mayo, D. Charnock-Jones, G. J Burton, M. Oyen

Simulation and biomechanical characterization of indentation on human skin
M. Mayjonade, N. Reistad, A. Ahadi

Solid Mechanics 4 FrM02
Room: Hall D3
Chair: Pär Olsson
Stress, strain and displacement configurations in the vicinity of a void in copper nano-strips
D. Johansson, P. Hansson, S. Melin

Experimental measurement and numerical modelling of powder filling
G. Gustafsson

Modelling of anisotropy of room temperature ductility in Ni-based forgings
R. Brommesson, M. Ekh

A Two Dimensional Axisymmetric Approach to Modeling of Friction Stir Spot Welding
M. Miles, U. Karki, Y. Hovanski

Localization-enhanced multi-scale modelling of ductile fracture initiation in steel sheets
R Östlund, M Oldenburg

On the evaluation of material forces in fracture mechanics.
D. Floros, F. Larsson, K. Runesson

Numerical Methods 1 FrM03
Room: Hall K1
Chair: Joakim Sundnes
Adaptive isogeometric methods using SPR and LR B-splines
T. Kvamsdal, M. Kumar , K. Johannessen

Developing Monotone Conservative Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic Type Equations with High-Order Accuracy
Y. Kholodov, A. Kholodov, I. Tsybulin

On computable bounds of the distance to the exact solution of evolutionary reaction-diffusion problems based on local Poincar\‘e type inequalities
S. Matculevich, P. Neittaanmäki, S. Repin

Distributed Lagrangian Multiplier Approach to the Finite Elements Immersed Boundary Method
D. Boffi, N. Cavallini, L. Gastaldi

Least Squares Fitting of a Cardiac Hyperelasticity Model using an Automatically Derived Adjoint Equation
G. Balaban, M. Alnæs, M. Rognes, J. Sundnes

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break

13:45 - 15:45
Biomechanics FrA01
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Svetlana Bauer
Structural optimization of mini-plates in fixation of human mandible fractures
G. Kharmanda, M-Y. Kharma, M. Ristinmaa, M. Wallin

Deformations of the Orthotropic Spherical Layer under Normal Pressure.
A. Smirnov, S. Bauer

A neuromusculoskeletal model to simulate passive ankle dorsiflexion of spasticity
R. Wang, Ö. Ekeberg, P. Herman, A. Fagergren, J. Gäverth, H. Forssberg

Solid Mechanics 5 FrA02
Room: Hall D3
Chair: Gunnar Tibert
A multiscale continuum modeling of strain induced cavitation damage and crystallization in rubberlike materials
E. Elmukashfi, M. Kroon

Simulation of defect induced phase transformation using a Ginsburg-Landau formulation
C. Bjerkén

Numerical Methods 2 FrA03
Room: Hall K1
Chair: Anders Eriksson
Isogeometric analysis of gradient elastic Kirchhoff plates.
J. Niiranen, A.H. Niemi, J. Kiendl

Worst-case topology optimization using semi-definite programming
E. Holmberg, C-J. Thore, A. Klarbring

Spline based mesh generator for wind turbine blades
E. Fonn, A. Rasheed, A.M. Kvarving, T. Kvamsdal

15:45 - 16:00
Closing Remarks