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21/10/10    16:15 - 18:15
Computational Techniques
Room: Hall D2
Chair: Erik Lund
Hybrid State-Space Integration of Rotating Beams
M.B. Nielsen, S. Krenk

Neural Network Modeling of Forward and Inverse Behavior of Rotary MR Damper
S. Bhowmik, J. Høgsberg, F. Weber

An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulation for Simulation of Wheel-Rail Contact
A. Draganis, A. Ekberg, F. Larsson

Multiscale Modeling of Porous Media
C. Sandström, F. Larsson, H. Johansson, K. Runesson

Error Analysis of the Inverse Poisson Problem with Smoothness Prior
A. Huhtala, S. Bossuyt, A. Hannukainen

Free vibrations of beams with non-uniform cross-sections and elastic end constraints using Haar wavelet method
H. Hein, L. Feklistova

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