  Plenary Lectures
  Thematic Sessions
  Submission of Contributions
  Instructions for Authors
  Proceedings NEW!
  Important Dates
  Technical Program
  Social Programme

Number of visits: 117472

Submission of Contributions

Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the topics of the seminar. Both, registration and submission of abstracts and, once being accepted, final contribution, should be electronic clicking here

Format instructions
Authors are asked to send their collaborations in .pdf format. Other formats will not be accepted.

Acknowledgement of receipt of abstract
The receipt of an abstract will be acknowledged automatically via email. The preliminary program will be posted on the website prior to the seminar.

Author Notification
Acceptance / Rejection letters will be sent according to the schedule

Author Registration
Acceptance of papers for presentation is conditional to receiving the final version of the contribution and the payment of the presenting author's seminar registration fee during the advance period. Information available here

A proceeding of extended abstracts (2-4 pages) will be handed out at the start of the conference.

Technical Details for Oral Presentation
All sessions have one LCD projector, one desktop PC, one laser pointer and one projection screen. Presentation files may be created in Adobe Acrobat .pdf (recommended) or Microsoft Power Point.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
nscm-23@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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