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Number of visits: 117487

21/10/10    16:15 - 18:15
Solid Mechanics
Room: Hall D1
Chair: Reijo Kouhia
Modeling Resin Flow and Preform Deformation in Composites Manufacturing Based on Partially Saturated Porous Media Theory
M. Rouhi, R. Larsson, M. Wysocki

Prediction of the Stiffness of Short Flax Fiber Reinforced Composites by Orientation Averaging
J. Modniks, J. Andersons

Computational Modeling of the Interlamellar Spacing in Pearlitic Steel
E. Lindfeldt, M. Ekh, H. Johansson

On the Modeling of Deformation Induced Anisotropy of Pearlitic Steel
N. Larijani, M. Ekh, G. Johansson, E. Lindfeldt

A Micro-sphere Approach Applied to the Simulation of Phase-transformations Interacting with Plasticity
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, A. Menzel

An Implicit Adaptive Finite Element Method for Rate Dependent Strain Gradient Plasticity
C. Dahlberg, J. Faleskog

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