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This area is for Authors only

Submission of abstracts, as well as conference registration should be performed electronically via the conference web site

About Abstract and Paper Submission

  • One page Abstract (300 words approx) in format for publication describing the main features of the work before February 28, 2007.
    Download Template

  • Final Paper should be sent to Journal of Materials Science no later than July 7, 2007.

Authors should log in The first stage of the process of entering the general information on the article to be submitted includes a pull-down menu which indicates the type of submission. One of the options will read iib2007 Special Issue.

Please note that there is no space limitation for the papers sent to Journal of Materials Science. All papers will be published like any other regular papers of that journal.

Recommendations for poster presentations:

Boards will be available along with the necessary mounting pins.The poster size should be not larger than 110 cm height and 70 cm width. Please, be sure that your poster is easily readable from the distance of 100cm. A label will indicate the location of your poster.

Take note that each poster session will begin with a 2 minute summary in the conference theatre by relevant poster authors ensuring a complete diffusion of the content among all participants.

A PowerPoint slide summarising the key aspects of your poster will by required by June, 25th, 2007. You can upload the slide entering the site with your login and password and then click Upload Powerpoint.

Please note that acceptance of papers for presentation is conditional to receiving the final abstract and the payment of the contact author's congress registration fees before May 7, 2007. The contact author should be the lecturer. Only one presentation per registration is allowed.

Feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat ( for any further information.

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