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The scientific landscape

The International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (iib), which is held every three years, represents a unique international forum bringing together the specialists working in different areas of Interface Science. Researchers that otherwise are mainly focused on their scientific domain have a unique opportunity to exchange their views and ideas with colleagues investigating the different aspects of interfacial behaviour; iib conferences strongly promote an interdisciplinary approach in Interface Science.

iib2007 is focused on the traditional and specific topics such as structural and chemical characterization of interfaces including atomic level modeling, thermodynamic, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties.

The conference is also open to research on thin layers, metal/metal, metal/oxide or metal/organic layers, which are of major concern in the domains of corrosion, surface protection, biomaterials and microelectronics. A specific session will address solid-liquid and liquid-liquid boundaries, which are crucial, for instance, in the formation of amorphous/crystalline interfaces.

It is in the scope of iib2007 to also cover new and rapidly developing areas, such as nanostructured materials and interfaces between "hard" and "soft" matter, and to make the point on the current knowledge on grain boundary engineering for tailoring desired materials properties.

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