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The organizers have arranged block reservations with Husa Hotels Chain in different hotel categories, offering special rates to the IIB 07 participants.

Please, note that block reservations expire on 10 May 2007. After this date, reservations will be made on request to the hotel. We recommend you to send this reservation form as soon as possible, as Barcelona is quite busy during that date.

If you are interested in contacting Husa Hotels Chain, please click here to get the booking form.

Hotel Husa Arenas **** Located near Diagonal Avenue, close to the city's most important business and shopping centre and 20 minutes walking to UPC Campus.
Hotel Husa Oriente *** Situated in the city's main shopping and commercial area, close to the famous Liceo Theatre and the Gothic Quarter.
Hotel Husa Pedralbes *** Located in the Conference Venue district, close to shopping areas of Diagonal - Pedralbes and University area (UB, UAB, Iese, Esade) and 20 minutes walking to UPC Campus.
Hotel Bonanova ** Located near Diagonal Avenue, close to the city's most important business and shopping area, 20 minutes walking to UPC Campus.

Other halls of residence can be found at

More information available

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 96 / 97 -- Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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