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Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Methods III
Room: CAS3.3
16:30 RMS Defuzzification Algorithms applied to FMEA
Selva Rivera and Jorge Núñez Mc Leod

16:50 Well Log Interpretation through the use of Support Vector Machines
Vicente Ciccola, Guillermo Montilla, Pablo Guillen and Geralf Pineda

17:10 High Performance Methods for Intense Laser-Matter Interactions
Emmanuel Lorin, Stéphane Chelkowski and André Bandrauk

17:30 Numerical Solution of Non-Stationary Axisymmetric Hele-Shaw Problems for Electrochemical Machining
Olga Zinnatullina and Vladimir Zhitnikov

17:50 A Method of Manufactured Solutions for PDE‘s with Stochastic Parameters
Paul G. Constantine, Patrick Knupp and Gianluca Iaccarino

18:10 On the singular limit for normal flux boundary conditions
Tomas Chacon Rebollo, Macarena Gomez Marmol and Isabel Sanchez Muñoz


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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