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Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Minisymposium on PDE Constrained Optimization II
Minisymposium organized by Michael Hintermueller and Ronald H W Hoppe
Room: CAS2.4
14:00 Scalable Solution Methods for Advection Dominated PDEs Using an Optimal Control Reformulation
Denis Ridzal and Pavel Bochev

14:20 Hierarchical Modelling and Optimal Control for Gas Networks
Pia Bales, Oliver Kolb and Jens Lang

14:40 Toward Modular Multigrid Design Optimisation
Armen Jaworski and Jens-Dominik Mueller

15:00 Topology Optimization for Nano-Scale Heat Transfe
Anton Evgrafov, Kurt Maute, Ronggui Yang and Martin Dunn

15:20 A New Optimization Strategy for Flows in the Presence of Shocks: Application to the Optimal Design of a Duct
Antonio Baeza, Carlos Castro, Francisco Palacios and Enrique Zuazua

15:40 Total FETI Method for Parallel Solution of Contact Shape Optimization Problems
Vit Vondrak, Zdenek Dostal, David Horak and Oldrich Vlach


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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