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Wednesday, July 2nd    16:30 - 18:30
Advances in Computational Stochastic Mechanics III
Minisymposium organized by Vissarion Papadopoulos, Dimos Charmpis and Manolis Papadrakakis
Room: CAS3.3
16:30 Adaptive Wavelet Method for solving Stochastic Convection-Diffusion Equation
Wenquan Wu and Xiaoan Ren

16:50 Macroscopic Probabilistic Modelling of Cracking Processes in Concrete Structures
Jean-Louis Tailhan, Pierre Rossi and Stefano Dal Pont

17:10 Stochastic PDE’s as a Tool for solving Joint Velocity- Scalar PDF Equation in Turbulent Reacting Flows: Numerical Aspects and Validation
Olivier Soulard and Vladimir Sabelnikov

17:30 Bayesian Damage Classification by AR-ARX Array Expression Data
Tzu Kang Lin and Anne Kiremidjian

17:50 Automation of Stochastic Finite Element Method by Symbolic-Numeric Approach
Joze Korelc and Teja Melink


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