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Number of visits: 5976669

Monday, June 30th    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Structural Mechanics III
Room: CAS3.2
16:30 A Simple Procedure for Analysis of Hyperelastic 3D Cable Structures
Katalin Klinka and Vinicius Arcaro

16:50 A Truly Large Strain Rod Model that incorporates General Cross-Sectional In-Plane Changes and Out-of-Plane Warping
Evandro Dasambiagio, Paulo Pimenta and Eduardo Campello

17:10 Generalized Rotation Parameters for the Nonlinear Analysis of Rod and Shells
Maria de Lourdes Moreira, Paulo Pimenta and Eduardo Campello

17:30 Dynamic Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Collapse Behavior including the Local Buckling for the Square Steel Tube using the Mixture of BEAM Element and SHELL Element
Tatsuhiko Ine, Kohei Yuge, Tukasa Takayama, Yuta Hashimoto and Koichi Kajiwara

17:50 Stability of Elastic Pipes Conveying Fluid with Rigid Body Degrees of Freedom
Michael Stangl, Johannes Gerstmayr and Hans Irschik

18:10 Uniform-Stress Catenary simulated by Unstable Truss Structure
Takeshi Tamura and Kaori Nishibayashi


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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