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Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Advances in Multiphysics Simulation and Experimental Testing of MEMS and NEMS V
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Attilio Frangi, Narayan Aluru and Subrata Mukherjee
Room: CIN1.1
14:00 Dynamic Characterization of Microresonators by Stroboscopic Optical Microscopy
Fabien Parrain, Alain Bosseboeuf, Jean-Paul Gilles, Souhil Megherbi and Xavier Leroux

14:20 Comparing Simulations and Measurements of Prestressed MEMS
Stephan Hannot, Véronique Rochus and Daniel J. Rixen

14:40 ESD Effects in Capacitive RF MEMS Switches
Jinyu Ruan, Nicolas Nolhier, Georges Papaioannou and Robert Plana

15:00 Theoretical and Experimental Considerations regarding Magnetic Separation in Microfluidic Device
Elena Barbarini, Marioara Avram, Andreea R. Sterian, Guolin Xu and Ciprian Iliescu

15:20 Measurement of Adsorbate Properties with the Pull-In Method
Hamed Sadeghian, Hans Goosen, Andre Bossche and Fred van Keulen

15:40 Dissipation in MEMS in the Near Vacuum Regime
Richard Rosing, Dongsheng Liu, Aldo Ghisi and Andrew Richardson


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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