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Friday, July 4th    14:00 - 16:00
Meshfree and Generalized/Extended Finite Element Methods V
Minisymposium organized by J. S. Chen, Ivo Babuska, Ted Belytschko, C. Armando Duarte, Vitor Leităo, Wing Kam Liu, Hirohisa Noguchi and Angelo Simone
Room: EXC1.2
14:00 Dynamic Crack Branching and Adaptive Refinement in Peridynamics
Florin Bobaru, Leonardo A. Alves, Stewart A. Silling and Abe Askari

14:20 A Method for Crack Simulations of Heterogeneous Solids using Nodal-Integration FEM
Mao Kurumatani and Kenjiro Terada

14:40 Partition of Unity Based Cohesive Crack Modeling in a Phase-Changing Medium
Thomas Hille, Sergio Turteltaub and Akke Suiker

15:00 A Comparison between GFEM and an Embedded Discontinuity Approach
D. Dias da Costa, Jorge Alfaiate, L. J. Sluys and E. Júlio

15:20 Numerical Simulation of Failure of Ventricular Tissue due to Deep Penetration
Caroline Forsell, T. Christian Gasser, Peter Gudmundsson and Gottfried Dohr

15:40 Automated Generation of Code for Modelling Discontinuities
Mehdi Nikbakht and Garth Wells


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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