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Friday, July 4th    10:30 - 12:30
Theory and Applications of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods IV
Minisymposium organized by Slimane Adjerid, Clint Dawson, Adrian Lew, Beatrice Riviere and Chi-Wang Shu
Room: CAS2.3
10:30 Adaptive Stabilization for a Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Elasticity
Adrian Lew, Alex Ten Eyck and Fatih Celiker

10:50 Residual Based Formulations of Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Elasto-Dynamic Problems
Luca Heltai and Francesco Costanzo

11:10 A discontinuous Galerkin based immersed boundary method for simulation of elastic solids
Rangarajan Ramsharan, Adrian J. Lew and Gustavo C. Buscaglia

11:30 Automated Code Generation for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Strain-Gradient Plasticity
Kristian Oelgaard, Jakob Ostien, Garth Wells and Krishna Garikipati

11:50 A Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation of Kirchhoff-Love Shells: From Linear Elasticity to Finite Deformations
Ludovic Noels and Raul Radovitzky


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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