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Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Advances in Boundary Element Methods IV
Minisymposium organized by Yijun Liu, Martin Schanz, Naoshi Nishimura, Zhenhan Yao, Marc Bonnet, Ernie Pan, Attilio Frangi and Mitch Denda
Room: CIN2.1
14:00 Boundary Element Methods for the Preliminary Design, Analysis and Optimization of Compliant Flapping Wings
David Willis, Per-Olof Persson and Jaime Peraire

14:20 Three-Dimensional Spectral Boundary Integral Equation Analysis of Plasmon Polaritons Enhanced Optical Nanoantenna
Lyudmyla N. Illyashenko-Raguin, Christian Hafner and Ralf Hiptmair

14:40 Dynamic Analysis of Cracked Plates repaired with Adhesively Bonded Anisotropic Patches
Martim Mauler, Paulo Sollero and Eder Albuquerque

15:00 Determination of Depth of Surface Crack with Time Domain BIEM in Laser-ultrasonic NDE
Hitoshi Yoshikawa, Tomokazu Kawada and Naoshi Nishimura

15:20 Crack Interaction in Plane Magnetoelectroelastic Solids under Dynamic Loading
Andrés Saez, Ramón Rojas-Díaz and Felipe García-Sánchez

15:40 A Multilevel Galerkin Boundary Element Method
Jinyou Xiao, Lihua Wen and Johannes Tausch


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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