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Friday, July 4th    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Modeling in Cardiovascular Mechanics V
Minisymposium organized by Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Jay D. Humphrey, Charles A. Taylor and David A. Vorp
Room: CIN1.1
16:30 One Dimensional Numerical Models for Simulation of the Blood Flow on Arteries
Eduardo Soudah and Eugenio Oņate

16:50 The Grid Scheme Effect on Hemodynamics Numerical Analysis in the Iliac Arteries
Filipa Carneiro, Vasco Ribeiro, José Teixeira and Senhorinha Teixeira

17:10 Computational Model of the Fluid Dynamics in Abdominal Aorta and Renal Branches
Ana Eduarda Silva, Senhorinha Teixeira and Pedro Lobarinhas

17:30 Numerical Study of Non-Newtonian Inelastic Fluid Flow in a 2D Bifurcation at Ninety Degrees
Helder Matos and Paulo Oliveira

17:50 Computer Simulation of Non-Newtonian Effects on Blood Flow in a Complete 3D Bypass Model
Jan Vimmr and Alena Jonasova

18:10 An Overview of the Defective Boundary Value Problems in Haemodynamics
Luca Formaggia, Alessandro Veneziani and Christian Vergara


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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