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Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Advances in Time-Integration III
Minisymposium organized by Adrian Lew, Eric Darve and Isaac Harari
Room: CAS3.5
16:30 Spatial Stability of Linear Multistep Methods for First-Order Transient Equations
Isaac Harari and Eran Grosu

16:50 Time Integration of Thermoelastic Systems based on an Energy/Entropy Formulation
Ignacio Romero

17:10 A Generalized Multi-Time-Step Method for a Wide Range of Numerical Scheme applied to Transient Nonlinear Structural Dynamics
Najib Mahjoubi, Anthony Gravouil, Alain Combescure and Nicolas Greffet

17:30 Two Geometric Integrators for Finite-Strain Viscoplasticity with Kinematic Hardening
Alexey V. Shutov and Reiner Kreissig

17:50 Efficient Iterative Solver to compute Unsteady Flows solved with Higher Order Implicit Time Integration Schemes
Peter Lucas and Hester Bijl


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