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Tuesday, July 1st    16:30 - 18:30
New Trends for Evolutionary Optimization Methods Applied to Multidisciplinary Problems III
Minisymposium organized by William Annicchiarico, George Dulikravich and Miguel Cerrolaza
Room: CAS1.6
16:30 Topology Optimization of Beam Structures using Genetic Programming.
Raymond Wildman and George Gazonas

16:50 Topology Optimization with Algorithm based on Bacterial Chemotaxis
Maria Alejandra Guzman, Alberto Delgado and Jonas De Carvalho

17:10 Topology Optimization for Force Sensor Structure Considering Accuracy of Force Detection
Akihiro Takezawa, Shinji Nishiwaki, Mitsuru Kitamura and Emılio C.N. Silva


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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