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Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Parallel Computing II
Room: CAS2.2
14:00 High-Performance Computing in Radiative Hydrodynamics Simulation
Vladimir Gasilov, Alexei Boldarev, Sergei Boldyrev, Sergei D‘yachenko, Elena Kartasheva and Olga Olkhovskaya

14:20 MPI Simulation of Dynamics of Flames
Vladimir Karlin

14:40 Interactive Flow Simulation with FPGA-based Acceleration of 2D Lattice Boltzmann Method
Kentaro Sano and Satoru Yamamoto

15:00 Numerical Simulation of Radiation Transport Problem around Reentry Vehicle
Tatiana Kudryashova, Serge Polyakov, Eldar Kononov and Alex Sverdlin

15:20 Grid Computations of a Parallel Finite Volume Method for the Simulation of Free Surface Shallow Water Flows
Anargiros Delis and Emmanuel Mathioudakis

15:40 Multi-Constraint Mesh Partitioning and Hybrid Solution Strategies for 3D Simulation of Heterogeneous Microstructures
Kai Schrader and Carsten Könke


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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