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Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Optimization and Control II
Room: CAS1.3
14:00 A Novel Implementation of Arora´s Algorithm for the Euclidean TSP
Barbara Martina Rodeker, Marķa Virginia Cifuentes and Liliana Favre

14:20 An Application of Traveling-Salesman Models to Shot Sequence Generation for Scan Lithography
Yuji Shinano, Nobuo Inui, Youzou Fukagawa and Noburu Takakura

14:40 Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization using Neural Networks
Q.J. Zhang

15:00 Global Optimisation of Non-Linear Inverse Scattering Problems
Thierry Scotti and Armand Wirgin

15:20 Shape Finding of Taut Structures by the Natural Force Density Method
Ruy Marcelo Pauletti and Paulo Pimenta

15:40 Multiobjective Optimal Power Flow using Evolutionary Algorithms
Mohamed Abido and Nezar Al-Ali


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