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Number of visits: 6286066

Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Computational Materials Mechanics II
Room: CAS3.8
16:30 A Numerical Comparison of Two Thermoviscoelastic Constitutive Equations based on their Temperability Capturing Capability
Nando Troyani, Y. Ulacio, Pedro Baiz and Carlos Gomes

16:50 Viscoelasticity of Multi-layer Material Systems used in Soccer Balls
Daniel Price, Roy Jones, Andy Harland and Vadim Silberschmidt

17:10 Non Linear Viscoelasticity in a Plastic Damageable Aggregate Material sensitive to Hydrostatic Pressure
Arnaud Duchosal, Viet-Dung Le, Michel Gratton, Mickael Caliez and Didier Picart

17:30 Modelling of Dynamic Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys
Rade Vignjevic, Kevin Hughes and James Campbell

17:50 Asymptotic Representation of the Equivalent Strain Rate in the Vicinity of Maximum Friction Surfaces in Viscoplasticity
Sergei Alexandrov and Gennady Mishuris

18:10 Development and Applications of the Inverse Operators in Continuum Mechanics
Sami Holopainen


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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