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Tuesday, July 1st    16:30 - 18:30
RANS/LES Coupling for the Simulation of Complex Flows II
Minisymposium organized by Jochen Fröhlich and Ivan Mary
Room: CAS2.3
16:30 High-Order Upwind and WENOM Schemes for DNS of Compressible Turbulent Flow
Georges Gerolymos, Dorothee Sénéchal and Isabelle Vallet

16:50 Assessment of Large-Eddy Simulation Models in Complex Flows using Unstructured Meshes
Oriol Lehmkuhl, Ricard Borrell, F.Xavier Trias and C.D. Pérez Segarra

17:10 A Low-Dispersive Dynamic Finite Difference Scheme for Large Eddy Simulation
Dieter Fauconnier, Chris De Langhe and Erik Dick

17:30 Numerical Viscosity, SGS Modeling and Grid Refinement in LES and in Variational Multiscale LES
Hilde Ouvrard, Simone Camarri, Bruno Koobus, Stephen Wornom, Alain Dervieux and Maria-Vittoria Salvetti


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