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Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Multiscale Model-Based Simulation with Applications to Nano and Bio Systems II
Minisymposium organized by Zhen Chen, Er Ping Chen, H. Eliot Fang, Hongwu Zhang and Zhuo Zhuang
Room: EXC1.2
14:00 Coarse-Grained Modeling and Simulation of Actin Filament Dynamics: Polymerization, Depolymerization and Severing
Taiji Adachi, Yoshitaka Shimada, Yasuhiro Inoue and Masaki Hojo

14:20 Recent Advances in Developing a Unified Multiscale Simulation Procedure for Single Crystal Materials
Zhen Chen, Luming Shen and Yong Gan

14:40 Geometrical Effects in Cell-Particle Interactions at the Mesoscale
Paolo Decuzzi and Mauro Ferrari

15:00 Deformation and Stability of Copper Nanowires under Bending
Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang and Zhen Chen

15:20 A Multi-Scale Computational Model of Crystal Plasticity
Zhanli Liu, Xiaochuan You and Zhuo Zhuang

15:40 Heat Wave Simulation in Micro-Bars with the Finite Element Method
Sotirios Filopoulos, Theodosios Papathanassiou and George Tsamasphyros


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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