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Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Numerical Modeling and Simulation on Micro and Nanoscale Materials and Devices II
Minisymposium organized by Marisol Koslowski and Richard Lesar
Room: CIN1.1
14:00 3D-Continuum Theory of Dislocations: Numerical Implementation and Application
Stefan Sandfeld, Thomas Hochrainer and Michael Zaiser

14:20 Phase Field Theory of Dislocations obtained by Coarse Graining
Istvan Groma and Peter Ispanovics

14:40 Plasticity in Ultra Fine Polycrystalline Materials
Abigai Hunter and Marisol Koslowski

15:00 Simulating the Dynamics of Partial Dislocations and their Associated Stacking Faults using the Level Set Method
Siu Sin Quek, Yong-Wei Zhang, Kevin Chu, Yang Xiang and David Srolovitz

15:20 Size Effect in a Cellular Automata Model for Systems of Interacting Dislocations
Valentina Beato and Stefano Zapperi

15:40 Thermodynamic Coarse-graining of Dislocation Mechanics and the Size-dependent Continuum Plasticity
Sinisa Mesarovic, Raghuraman Baskaran, Sreekanth Akaraou and Hussein M. Zbib


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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