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Monday, June 30th    14:00 - 16:00
Continuum Models for Composite and Nano-Materials, Mems/Nems Devices II
Joint IACM – IUTAM Minisymposium

Minisymposium organized by Toshiro Matsumoto and Vladimir Kompis
Room: CIN0.2
14:00 Discrete and Continuous Source Functions for Modeling of Composites Reinforced with Particles and Short Fibers
Vladimir Kompis, Mario Stiavnicky and Pihua Wen

14:20 Predicting the Strength of Superalloys by 3D Dislocation Dynamics
Aurelien Vattre, Arjen Roos and Benoit Devincre

14:40 Vibration of Nanostructures
Fernando Ramirez, Paul R. Heyliger, Anthony K. Rappe and Robert Leisure

15:00 A Micromechanics Model of Particle-Reinforced Composites taking account of Debonding Damage and Particle Size Effect
Keiichiro Tohgo, Yu Itoh and Yoshinobu Shimamura

15:20 Numerical Modelling of Thick-Interface Multi-Component Diffusional Phase Transformation
Jiri Vala

15:40 Ab Initio DFT Calculations of Surface Stress and Stretch of Charged au Films
Yoshitaka Umeno, Christian Elsässer, Bernd Meyer, Peter Gumbsch and Joerg Weissmüller


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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