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Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Parallel Computing I
Room: CAS2.2
10:30 Distributed Parallel Global Optimisation Architecture
Petri Giovanni Hanninen and Michèle R. Lavagna

10:50 Distributed Workflows for Multiphysics Applications
Toan Nguyen and Jean-Antoine Desideri

11:10 Parallel Processing applied to an Upper Bound Formulation for 3d Limit Analysis Computations
Mário Vicente da Silva and Armando Antão

11:30 Parallel Solution of the Generalized Dirichlet-Neumann Map for Elliptic PDEs on Regular Polygon Domains
Anastasis Sifalakis, Elena Papadopoulou and Yiannis Saridakis

11:50 Parallel Computational Algorithm of the Solution of Dynamic Problems for Elastic-Plastic and Granular Materials
Oxana Sadovskaya

12:10 Hierarchical Grid Adaptation for Hybrid Meshes
Matthias Möller


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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