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Wednesday, July 2nd    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Room: CAS3.9
14:00 Comparison between Epsilon and Kappa based Transport-Equation Subgrid Modelling
Chris De Langhe and Erik Dick

14:20 DNS of Acoustic Sound Generated by Collision of Vortex Rings
Yoshitaka Nakashima and Osamu Inoue

14:40 Integrated Simulation of Wake Trubulence using Lidar Measurement
Takashi Misaka, Takeshi Ogasawara, Shigeru Obayashi, Izumi Yamada and Yoshinori Okuno

15:00 Mathematical Model of Turbulent Shear Layers with Harmonic Perturbations
Yuli Lifshitz and David Degani

15:20 Quasi-Hydrodynamic Model and Small Scale Turbulence
Ilya Ivahnenko, Serge Polyakov and Boris Chetverushkin

15:40 Numerical Simulation of the Decelerating Parachute-Like Body with Consideration of Virtual Mass
Hiroyuki Houzu, Norio Arai and Yoko Takakura


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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