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Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Computer Simulation in Vehicle Design and Transport I
Room: CAS1.5
14:00 Advanced Simulation Technology for Closed Loop Limit Vehicle Handling Performance
Diego Minen and Davide Bacchet

14:20 Finite Element Analysis of Automotive Riveted Clutch Disc
Samir Sfarni, Emmanuel Bellenger, Jérôme Fortin and Matthieu Malley

14:40 Gear Shocks: Non Linear Dynamic Model and Parametric Identification
Jean-Luc Dion, Gaël Chevallier and Sylvie Lemoyne

15:00 Virtual Prototyping of a Car Direction Indicator Switch using Haptic Feedback
Hunor Etele Erdelyi, Doru Talaba and Csaba Antonya

15:20 Congested Traffic Simulation based on a 2D Hydrodynamical Model.
Boris Chetverushkin, Natalia Churbanova, Alina Sukhinova and Marina Trapeznikova


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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