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Thursday, July 3rd    14:00 - 16:00
Advanced Materials: Computational Analysis of Properties and Performance I
Minisymposium organized by Vadim Silberschmidt and Valery Matveenko
Room: CAS3.1
14:00 Thermomechanics of Polymers under Conditions of Relaxation and Phase Transitions (Keynote Lecture)
Valery P. Matveyenko, O.Y. Smetannikov, N.A. Trufanov and I.N. Shardakov

14:30 Standard and Impact Fatigue of Bonded Joints: Modelling Transient Strains and Progressive Damage (Keynote Lecture)
Ian Ashcroft, Juan Pablo Casas-Rodriguez and Vadim Silberschmidt

15:00 Micromechanics Based Structural Analyses of MMC Components under Finite Strains
Heinz Pettermann, Sergio Nogales, Christopher Huber, Mathias Luxner and Helmut Böhm

15:20 Constitutive Equations for Dissipative Materials operating under Finite Deformations
Alexander Svistkov, Bernd Lauke and Gerd Heinrich

15:40 V&V Concepts in Developing a Class of Finite Deformation Pressure Dependent Plasticity Models validated by Experimental Observations
Szanto Mordechai, Z. Yosibash, M. Dariel, N. Frage, W. Bier, Stefan Hartmann, Alexander Düster, U. Heisserer, Ernst Rank and Stefan Holzer


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