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Tuesday, July 1st    14:00 - 16:00
Computational Mechanics of Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials and Structures I
Minisymposium organized by Christian Hellmich and Dinesh Katti
Room: CIN0.1
14:00 Mechanics at the Molecular Scale in Bone
Kalpana S. Katti and Dinesh R. Katti

14:20 Comparison of Voxel-Based Micro Fe and Different Surface-Based Homogenized Fe Models of Human Vertebral Bodies
Dieter Pahr and Philippe Zysset

14:40 Pressure Response Analysis in Head Injury
Philippe Young and Emma A.C. Johnson

15:00 Multi-Scale Mechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury
Rudy Cloots, Hans van Dommelen and Marc Geers

15:20 Towards an Advanced Poroviscoelastic Model at Large Strains for the Simulation of Collagen Induced Anisotropy of Articular Cartilage
Uwe-Jens Görke, Hubert Günther, Christoph Forkmann and Markus Wimmer

15:40 Pulling Rate Dependeance of the Nanomechanics of Single Tropocollagen Molecules
Alfonso Gautieri, Markus Buehler and Alberto Redaelli


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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