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Wednesday, July 2nd    10:30 - 12:30
Minisymposium on Performance-Based Structural Design Optimization I
Minisymposium organized by Nikos Lagaros , Christopher Foley and Hongbing Fang
Room: CAS1.6
10:30 Low Cost Adaptive Remeshing Strategies for the Solution of Structural Shape Optimization Problems using Hybrid (Evolutionary-Gradient) Methods (Keynote Lecture)
Gabriel Bugeda, Juan José Ródenas, Francisco José Fuenmayor and Eugenio Oñate

11:00 Uncertainty Models in Engineering Analysis, Design, and Optimization (Keynote Lecture)
Sambasiva R. Singiresu

11:30 Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Structures using Isogeometric Approach
Seonho Cho and Seung-Hyun Ha

11:50 Dynamic Analysis of Sandwich Panels and Topological Design of Cores considering the Size Effect
Kepeng Qiu, Weihong Zhang and Pierre Duysinx


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