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Tuesday, July 1st    10:30 - 12:30
Computational Procedures and Models for Quasi-brittle Materials I
Minisymposium organized by Anthony Jefferson and Günter Hofstetter
Room: CAS3.10
10:30 Multiscale Assessment of Early-Age Performance of Shotcrete Tunnel Linings
Christian Pichler and Roman Lackner

10:50 A Two-Scale Strong Coupling Framework for Softening Materials
Oriol Lloberas Valls, Angelo Simone and Bert Sluys

11:10 Modelling of Rate Effects at Multiple Scales
Ronnie Pedersen, Angelo Simone and Bert Sluys

11:30 Modelling of Reinforced Concrete by Means of Homogenization Approach including Steel-Concrete Interactions
Erkan Rumanus and Günther Meschke

11:50 A Development of Crack Growth Simulator for Plated Structure using Damage Mechanics
Dae Suk Han, Myung-Hyun Kim, Min Sung Chun, Tak Kee Lee and Jae-Myung Lee

12:10 Modelling of Gradual Construction of Road Bridge and Its Creep
Jaroslav Broz and Jaroslav Kruis


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