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Monday, June 30th    11:30 - 12:30
Simulation Technology towards the Hydrogen Use World. I
Minisymposium organized by Hiroshi Kanayama and Noriyuki Miyazaki
Room: CAS1.4
11:30 Stationary Analysis by a Thermal Convection Solver with Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method
Hiroshi Kanayama, Kouichi Komori and Daigo Sato

11:50 Boussinesq Approximation of Hydrogen Dispersion in a Ventilation Model Using Finite Element Analysis
Hiroshi Kanayama, Hisayoshi Tsukikawa, Osamu Sakuragi and Mohamed Fathy El-Amin

12:10 Numerical Analysis of Material Transportation Problems in Fuel Cell with Micro Porous Layers
Yuya Tachikawa, Hiroshi Kanayama, Chiaki Ishii and Hiroshi Hasegawa


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