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Thursday, July 3rd    16:30 - 18:30
Numerical Modelling of Hydrodynamic Geophysical Flows I
Minisymposium organized by Tomas Chacon Rebollo and Edie Miglio
Room: CAS2.6
16:30 Design and Preliminary Validation of a Three-dimensional, Baroclinic, Unstructured-mesh, Finite-element Ocean Model
Sébastien Blaise, Richard Comblen, Jonathan Lambrechts, Vincent Legat, Eric Deleersnijder and Jean-François Remacle

16:50 Stabilized Discontinous Galerkin Formulations for Ocean Modelling
Vincent Legat, Richard Comblen, Jonathan Lambrechts, Jean-François Remacle and Eric Deleersnijder

17:10 A Predictor-Corrector Numerical Schemes for Ocean Primitive Equations with Large Time Steps
Pedro Galan del Sastre, Elisa Dorado and Rodolfo Bermejo

17:30 A Stabilized Scheme for the Primitive Equations of the Ocean based upon Orthogonal Subscales
Tomas Chacon Rebollo, Macarena Gomez Marmol and Isabel Sanchez Muñoz

17:50 A 3D Numerical Model for Stratified Free Surface Flows
M. Augusto Maidana, Jordi Blasco, Manuel Espino and Arnel German

18:10 Numerical Modelling of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics with Adapting Unstructured Meshes
Matthew Piggott


International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
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